ITELY / Cosmoprof World Wide 2018 Backstage Client \\ ITELY What we did \\ Art Direction, Montaggio, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Marzo 15 2018 more
REVIVRE / Cosmoprof World Wide 2018 Backstage Client \\ Revivre What we did \\ Art Direction, Montaggio, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Marzo 15 2018 more
VENTIS / BCC Client \\ Ventis S.r.l What we did \\ Art Direction, Graphic Design, Montaggio, Motion Graphic, Web adv, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Luglio 25 2017 more
Consulentia 2017 Client \\ Creative Farm What we did \\ Graphic Design, Logo Design, Montaggio, Motion Graphic, Stampa, Typography, Web adv, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Febbraio 24 2017 more
Michelle Hunziker presenta “Lole nella valle dell’Emme” Client \\ The Brand What we did \\ Graphic Design, Logo Design, Montaggio, Motion Graphic, Stampa, Typography, Web adv, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Febbraio 24 2017 more
Personal MakeUp Artist What we did \\ Graphic Design, Logo Design, Montaggio, Motion Graphic, Stampa, Typography, Web adv, Wed Design, Date \\ Febbraio 24 2017 more
I Taleggiatori – Elio e Le Storie Tese Client \\ The Brand What we did \\ Graphic Design, Logo Design, Montaggio, Motion Graphic, Stampa, Typography, Web adv, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Febbraio 24 2017 more
Sunrise Vegan Client \\ The Brand What we did \\ Graphic Design, Logo Design, Stampa, Typography, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Febbraio 24 2017 more
Restyling sito web Tigre Italia Client \\ The Brand What we did \\ Graphic Design, Typography, Web adv, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Febbraio 24 2017 more
Michell dice Cheese What we did \\ Graphic Design, Logo Design, Stampa, Typography, Web adv, Wed Design, Date \\ Febbraio 24 2017 more
Eclipse Eyewear Client \\ The Brand What we did \\ Graphic Design, Logo Design, Stampa, Typography, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Febbraio 24 2017 more
Restyling sito web Agnesi.it Client \\ The Brand What we did \\ Graphic Design, Stampa, Web adv, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Febbraio 24 2017 more
Personal Care Project Client \\ Personal Care Project® What we did \\ Graphic Design, Logo Design, Stampa, Typography, Web adv, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Marzo 15 2013 more
Landing Page HostingSolutions Client \\ We Talk Group What we did \\ Graphic Design, Web adv, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Luglio 17 2012 more
Landing Page AziendeItalia Client \\ We Talk Group What we did \\ Graphic Design, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Luglio 17 2012 more
Landing Page Kolst Client \\ We Talk Group What we did \\ Graphic Design, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Luglio 17 2012 more
Sto Fumando Fuori ™ Client \\ Sto Fumando Fuori ™ // I Am Smoking Outside ™ What we did \\ Graphic Design, Stampa, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Febbraio 28 2012 more
Gromas S.r.l. Client \\ Gromas S.r.l. What we did \\ Graphic Design, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Febbraio 1 2012 more
Gioiaesalute.eu Client \\ Gioiaesalute What we did \\ Logo Design, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Ottobre 14 2011 more
Landing Page CBSolt Client \\ CBSolt What we did \\ Graphic Design, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Settembre 15 2011 more
Nerolicashmere Client \\ Nerolicashmere What we did \\ Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Luglio 7 2011 more
Typography Peace Client \\ Personal Work What we did \\ Typography, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Luglio 7 2011 more
Menù Delivery Client \\ Lattughino srl What we did \\ Stampa, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Luglio 7 2011 more
Helloclick Client \\ Speakage srl What we did \\ Logo Design, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Luglio 6 2011 more
Cosmeticifreschi Client \\ Cosmeticifreschi.it What we did \\ Logo Design, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Febbraio 7 2011 more
Lattughino Website Client \\ Lattughino srl (Restyling) What we did \\ Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Settembre 7 2010 more
Stefanobernardeschi Client \\ Stefanobernardeschi.com What we did \\ Logo Design, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Settembre 7 2010 more
L’Isola Della Musica Italiana Client \\ L'Isola Della Musica Italiana What we did \\ Graphic Design, Typography, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Maggio 21 2010 more
Chiareservation Client \\ Chiareservation.it What we did \\ Logo Design, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Aprile 7 2010 more
Designvideoweb Client \\ Designvideoweb.com What we did \\ Logo Design, Stampa, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Marzo 3 2010 more
Leardini Group Client \\ Leardini Group What we did \\ Graphic Design, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Agosto 3 2009 more
Birra Hops Client \\ Birra Hops What we did \\ Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Luglio 27 2009 more
Tennis Club Riccione Client \\ Tennis Club Riccione What we did \\ Graphic Design, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Giugno 27 2009 more
Oltremare Riccione Client \\ Oltremare Riccione What we did \\ Graphic Design, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Aprile 21 2009 more
Hotel 2000 Client \\ Hotel 2000 Riccione What we did \\ Graphic Design, Wed Design, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Marzo 27 2009 more
Shortfolio Client \\ Personal Work What we did \\ Graphic Design, Stampa, Author \\ frommars.it Date \\ Marzo 7 2009 more